Here at the DPL we do our best to promote positive power of collective spirit. Meaning (we) no matter who communicates with you, speaks with that same voice of compassion. We want to let you know that you are not alone on this journey. And yes, you will eventually find others (if you haven’t already).
Writing is usually a solitary process. Unless one is connected to a writers group. Most of us have to find quiet time and a quiet place. And some of us can write anytime and anywhere no matter how noisy. It is good to be prepared when the muse visits. We never know what may trigger the birthing process of a poem. That’s why we must always have pen and paper ready, in our purse, pocket, or briefcase or if we are of the tech persuasion , phone, laptop or ipad. The main thing is that we capture those key words, those thoughts. Don’t trust your memory (unless you have a mind like a steel trap). By the time you get home that idea, those thoughts might be blowing around like leaves scattered in the wind.
Sometimes we want to write. We have that deep, down burning desire.Yet nothing comes. We so desperately want the muse to pay a visit but she’s off visiting someone else. Should we get angry or frustrated because those creative juices aren’t flowing?
After all, friends and family have told us how much they loved our poetry. So we should be able to write even better stuff, right? Well, the answer is yes you can. As long as you are patient with yourself. So the next time you get blocked try some deep breathing exercises, get up go for a walk, walk the dog (or let the dog walk you) go for a jog, go shopping for some of the items on your grocery list.
Don’t throw those coupons away!
Perhaps inspiration may come to you while you’re in the produce aisle reaching for a few of those organic avocados. Who knows. Just don’t beat yourself up. Trust us (based on our experience) it isn’t worth it. You’ll just bury yourself in an even deeper hole. Just think. You have the whole universe at your command. You’re a poet, a writer and you have us. Yes, this is a universe of ‘ We ‘. One big melting pot. You are never alone if you don’t want to be; we are always here with you. But just to ease your mind, stalking is against the rules of the DPL.
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