Our door is always open. We’re glad you walked in. A lot has happened since our last writing. Some people have moved on, leaving their footprints. Others have come on board and will inevitably make their own. All with the common goal- to motivate, inspire and encourage you to find your own rhythm.
You too will experience this coming and going. We know you already have. You have experienced people coming and going, in and out of your life. The loss of loved ones, the birth of new ones, dating, break-ups, marriages, divorces, having money, lack of money, raising children, graduations and every other situation imaginable and unimaginable.
No matter how bleak we must Let the Light in. We must write. We must create. It’s what we do. We are never out of the game unless we take ourselves out of the game. Even when we’re not writing some of us may or may not think about it; but not doing the actual act doesn’t mean that those creative juices aren’t still flowing. And just when we think we’re all washed up. all dried up like a prune…then BOOM!!! It happens like a volcano erupting. Thoughts, ideas, and words flowing like hot molten lava. Then at times slowly, creeping at a snails pace.
Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, sometimes not at all, that’s the nature of the beast. We sometimes have the inclination to beat ourselves up when we can’t produce. This self flagellation can be self defeating. While it might work for some, for most the result is unnecessary pain. So if you’re doing it, beating yourself up...PLEASE! STOP IT!!!
Believe us when we say just as there are plenty of people out there who may support us, there are also people out there just waiting to beat us up. They are called critics or to put it bluntly, “haters”. People who either may not be open enough to understand us or our work or don’t want to understand or both. But whose problem is it anyway? We certainly can’t afford to make it ours.
Practice deep breathing.
On your exhale picture yourself getting ride of all the negativity, darkness that has accumulated in your mind and body. On your inhale picture yourself inhaling all of the light and positive energy.
Then see what happens. Keep practicing this and you will be amazed. When life gets too complicated and overwhelmingly busy just slow it down. Get off of the emotional roller coaster and do some deep breathing meditation. Get in touch with your breathing and you will become more aware of when you are breathing more shallow or hyperventilating.Get the most out of your breath. Like the gas tank in your car. Be greedy. IT’S FREE! Suck in that oxygen. Get started. Take breathing to a whole different level.
This deep breathing will help you to keep your heart and mind open.
TRUST! BELIEVE! Creativity will come. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly or sometimes it seems not at all. It will materialize if you work at it and want it to. When you get in touch and find your rhythm in life; you will understand that TIME takes TIME.
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