Running with the Bulls

There isn’t anyone here at the DPL who has actually ran with the bulls. There are some of us who have counted bulls instead of sheep to try to go to sleep. And there are a few of us who would like to experience running with the bulls. Some who want nothing at...

The Keys to the Kingdom

Now that you have made that conviction in your heart to become a writer, a poet. Not only have you given yourself a poetic license; you have also given yourself the keys to the kingdom. Words are now your royal servants. They want to serve you. You have the power to...

The Universe of ‘ We ‘

Here at the DPL we do our best to promote positive power of collective spirit. Meaning  (we) no matter who communicates with you, speaks with that same voice of compassion. We want to let you know that you are not alone on this journey. And yes, you will eventually...

welcome to

          Writing poetry is like breathing. Do you at times hold your breath? Take shallow breaths? How much are you aware of your surroundings? While you’re reading this are you breathing deeply? Standing?.Sitting? Eating? Please don’t tell me...

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